Guia Besana, (b.1972), Italian self-taught photographer currently living and working between Paris (France) and Barcelona (Spain).  After studies in media and communication in Turin, Italy, in 1994 she becomes photographer and moves to Paris (France).  With a particular attention to women’s issues she travels in different countries and joins Anzenberger Agency in 2005 and the Gallery in 2013.  Since 2016 she is also represented by 1968 Gallery (London).
Her work is regularly published in international magazines and blogs: BLINK, CNN photo blog, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Marie Claire, Vanity Fair, Le Monde, Courrier International, D di Repubblica, Esquire … Her personal work has been recognized by several international awards: Los Angeles LADCA (USA), MIFA (Russia), MarieClaire International Award, AI AP (USA), PWP – Professional Women Photographers (USA), finalist at Julia Margaret Cameron Award (France), finalist at Prix Leica Oskar Barnack . With her personal project « Baby Blues »  she won the Amilcare Ponchielli Grin 2012 (Italy).
Her images have been exhibited in Los Angeles, New York, Buenos Aires, Italy, France, Spain and Malaysia.
