December 17th - December 31th 2010


Techincal Info

CONFINI08: Review of Italian contemporary photography

Opening : December 16th 2010, from 6.30 pm to 9 pm
Exhibition Dates: December 17th - December 31th 2010
Location: VisionQuesT gallery, Piazza Invrea 4r - Genova
Tel.: +392468771,+39 010 3397534993
Gallery Hrs.: from Wednesday to Saturday3.30 pm to 7.30 pm and by appointment
Web Site:
E-mail information:

Press Release

CONFINI08 has become one of the main annual Italian itinerant events introducing  new authors among those who show alternative ways of doing photography; showing through the use of a strong language, their vision of reality.

Florence - Galleria Via Larga:  1-13 September 2010
Torino - Osservatorio Gualino: 10–24 October 2010
Rome - Istituto Superiore Antincendi: 11-20 November 2010
Genova - VisionQuesT Gallery: 16–31 December 2010
Milano - Polifemo Fotografia:  10–23 January 2011
Palermo - Lanterna Magica: 29 January– 17 February 2011
Trieste - Sala Fenice: 16 March - 15 April 2011