Carla Iacono
Museo Diocesano di Genova

Curators: Paola Martini and Clelia Belgrado
Opening:  Friday October 6th, 2017 from 5 pm

October 7th – December 11th, 2017
Diocesan Museum of Genoa
Via Tommaso Reggio 20r
16123 Genova, Italy

“Re-revelation” addresses the delicate issue of the manipulation of cultural differences, starting from the situation of Muslim women immigrants in Europe. The veil of Muslim women has  always been a subject matter for discussions; it is just its plurality of meanings and its evocative power that have made it an emblem of social, political, religious and cultural debates, often turning it into a real “veil of discord”.

From a formal point of view the compositions refer to classical paintings, creating a symbolic contamination between the cultures of the East and the West: the images resemble Western portraits but the subjects are wearing oriental veils/accessories and viceversa.

In Re-velations Carla Iacono doesn’t take a position about the use of the veil, but plunges into history to “reveal” values ​​and meanings with sincere and refined pictures, respecting the differences and similarities between cultures. And if this serves as stimulation for the discussion on the subject with grace and passion, the goal will be reached.
The choice to set up the exhibition in the Diocesan Museum, by placing the images of Carla Iacono in direct dialogue with the works of the Museum, which has a specific Christian orientation, is a way of opening up to the values of such an important garment in women’s history and draw attention to its meaning, which unfortunately, has recently been reduced to a symbol of imprisonment and prohibition whereas on the contrary it was born as an element of distinction and protection of what was considered sacred.