Elettra Ranno


Born in Acireale (CT) Sicily in 1971, she lives and works between Rome and Athens. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, she attended the annual course at the School of Visual Communication IED in Rome. In 2005 she wins the 1st price at the “FotoLeggendo” photo festival in Rome and has participated in many solo and collective exhibitions both in Italy and overseas. “FotoLeggendo” is "twinned" with the Festival Les Boutographies - Rencontres photographiques de Montpellier, France.
She has participated in many solo and collective exhibitions including the 2008 “Manifesta7”, the European Contemporary Art Biennale in Merano, Italy with “Diario Onirico in Metamorfosi” and in 2009 she was one of the artists selected to take part in the “Spinola Contemporanea: The contemporary artist interprets the historical palace ", edited by Farida Simonetti and Gianluca Zanelli - Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola – Genoa, Italy Her last solo exhibition was in 2010 with "Labyrinths of Light", edited by Roberto Mutti at -VisionQuesT gallery - Genoa Italy which also represents her.
Her photographs are single images taken in reversible film and are still hand printed in "Cibachrome". Her photographic survey, without any digital intervention, is carried through a deep existential and thorough investigation which shows an unusual and authentic sensitivity. These images belong to three different bodies of works but are part of a broader project on the possibilities of interaction with the places where she decides to do her photographs, wherever they may be.