June 1st- July 29th 2012


Techincal Info

Opening: May  31th 2012 from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
 June 1st - July 29th 2012
Location: VISIONQUEST gallery Piazza Invrea 4 r, 16123 Genova, Italy
Tel.: +39 010 2468771 - +39 339 7534993
Opening Hrs.: Wednesday, to Saturday 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm or by appointment
Email information:

Press Release

Trying to always eliminate the barrier that separates her from her subjects. Strong, hard direct and at times risky, Francesca Galliani’s photography - but wth her it is more correct to speak of art - comes from this desire, the need to communicate to others the vital energy that keeps us alive and pushes us to fight every day.
In these unique works, based on the photography work of the dance taken in Angola, Galliani gives us the joy, passion and impulse of the dance moment. Everything else, at that moment, ceases to exist, the everyday reality of the country, its’ poverty, the long history of Portuguese colonization, the civil wars.
The post-photographic interventions of color, paint, writing, collage, cutouts, overlapping objects or materials that can make her work look like “dirty” canvases, colorful, full of writings, a mixture of photography, paintings and slogans, are instead the artist’s precise and determined testimony of her own experience. Body and soul become, as she says "survival, physical strength and sex drive ... told with the same poetic, without prejudice and without glory". The rules of objectivity, mise es scene are broken, and we find ourselves immersed in physical and emotional sensations and fascinations.
Dance as a symbol and celebration of life. The joy, physical and internal satisfaction of the moment.
Sculptural bodies that magnify the magic of the human anatomy and its’ sensuality.

printable version

Technical information

Mixed media on canvas cm 150 x 150 and cm 100 x cm 180
Mixed media on ink jet prints cm 45 x cm 50


Born in Italy Francesca Galliani moves to the United States to study at Washington DC's Corcoran School of Art at a young age.
After receiving her BFA she started a thriving career in her newly adopted home, New York City. Her distinctive photographic art set her apart immediately and won her the Kodak European Panorama Award in Arles, 1995.
Her creative edge never ceasing to evolve, Galliani soon distinguished herself as an internationally respected mixed media artist, with her signature use of painting and collage used on her own photographs.
The international fine art world has embraced the unique emotion of Galliani's work for decades and she has been exhibited extensively across the globe. Artists she has been featured alongside include Helmut Newton, Robert Mapplerthorpe, Pierre et Gilles, David LaChapelle, Joel-Peter Witkin, Man
Ray and Marina Abramovic.
The intensity of her portrayal of the female and male subject caught the interest of the international fashion world and soon Galliani's work was to appear in magazines such as Detour, Vogue, Velvet and D. This resulting in one of the highlights of the commercial end of her career, the creation of Levi's advertising campaign 'Blue' which, due to its enormous success, went on to be exhibited at the Triennale in Milan. Galliani had successfully crossed the line between art and fashion.
Galliani's work has been published in catalogues and books throughout the world, and has appeared in: "Real" (Charta), "Women by Women" (Prestel), "The Nude Ideal and Reality" (Skira) and a coffee table book, 'Portrait of the new Angola' (Skira/Rizzoli) is due to come out in the fall of 2012.