June 17th - September 24th 2011
Techincal Info
Caterina Gualco, Unimediamodern Contemporary Art , and Clelia Belgrado, VisionQuesT gallery are pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition "... erba e fior che la gonna...” (...grass and flowers which her dress...)
Opening: June 16th 2011 from 7. 00 pm to 9.30 pm
Artists featured in the exhibition:
Cinzia Ambrosini, Fernando Andolcetti, Araki, Francesco Arena, Vasco Ascolini, Nanni Balestrini, Mauro Battiston, Douglas Beasley, Connie Bellantonio, Stefania Beretta, Joseph Beuys, Beppe Bolchi, Corrado Bonomi, Daniela Bozzetto, Heike Bueleau, Silvia Camporesi, Ugo Carrega, Maurizio Carucci, Guido Castagnoli, Bruno Cattani, Alik Cavaliere, Sandra Chiesa, Cesare Cicardini, Cosimo Cimino, Andrea Contin, Claudio Costa, Philip Corner, Mario Commone, Roger Cutforth, Arturo Delle Donne, Daniele Ferrarazzo, Bertrand Flachot, Antonio Flamminio, Limbania Fieschi, Pierluigi Fresia, Francesca Galliani, Maurizio Galimberti, Giuliano Galletta, Flor Garduño, Mauro Ghiglione, Giacomo Giannini, Piero Gilardi, Gianluca Groppi, Angelo Gualco, Dorothy Hong, Peter Hutchinson, Carla Iacono, Mimmo Jodice, Mirta Kokalj, Mario Lasalandra, Emanuele Magri, Fulvio Magurno, Mauro Manfredi, Malena Mazza, Luca Mengoni, Nino Migliori, Fiammetta Miraglia, Alzek Misheff, Paola Mongelli, Amandine Nabarra-Piomelli, Anna Oberto, Mauro Panichella, Ben Patterson, Giuseppe Pellegrino, Federico Piccari, Ivan Pinkava, Anna Positano, Lucio Pozzi, Angelo Pretolani, Elettra Ranno, Antonello Ruggieri, Jan Saudek, Ferdinando Scianna, Serge III, Berty Skuber, Paolo Simonazzi, Aldo Spinelli, Rebecca Szabo, Takako Saito, Jacqueline Tune, Ben Vautier, Alessandra Vinotto, Giulia Vasta, Luigi Viola, Andy Warhol.
Catalogue with essay by Viana Conti available at the gallery
Press Release
Caterina and Clelia say:
“Unimediamodern and VisionQuesT promoted this past season, an exhibition by women “Bad Girls : Good Girls go to Heaven, Bad Girls go Everywhere “, the pleasure of working together and the interest that the event had attracted convinced us to repeat the experience, with the intention of turning it into an annual event. The theme of the show presented this year is nature in contemporary art, more precisely the role that plants and flowers have in many art works of our time. Why such a choice? The reasons are different, the most obvious is the secret of spring that has miraculously blossomed again, the most profound and painful is the awareness of the dramatic and gray winter in which our culture and society find themselves at this time. Our genuine desire (beyond any easy rhetoric) is to strongly reaffirm the certainty that art and beauty in general can and do contrast the horrors of the world.
The last reason, that is substantial in the specifics to our business, we like to illustrate with a rural metaphor: we decided to go searching for four-leaf clovers, when suddenly we realized that the four-leaf clovers were all around us!
In fact many of the artists with whom we work or have worked, used plants and flowers as subjects of their works, and in our research we encountered many more.
The decision to choose a title from the Canzoniere of Petrarch came form the idea of flirting with a that certain inscrutability that can result from the youthful passion that we both have for this poem, and the fact that we know nothing that can give ,so effectively, and with such poetic intensity, an equally admirable synthesis between words and images on this matter.”
Piazza Invrea 5/b e 4 r, 16123 Genova, Italy
Tel. +39 010 2468771 +39 339 7534993
www.visionquest.it - info@visionquest.it
From Wednesday to Saturday 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and by appointment
Palazzo Squarciafico
Piazza Invrea 5/B - 16123 Genova; Italy
Tel./Fax +39 0102758785 - 3482834094
www.unimediamodern.com - info@unimediamodern.com
From Monday to Saturday 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and by appointment