15 january - 14 february 2010


Techincal Info

Thursday 14th January 2010 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the opening of the new exhibition Elettra Ranno "Labyrinths of Light", curator Roberto Mutti.
Elettra will attend the opening reception
The exhibition will continue until 14th February 2010 from Wednesday to Saturday 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and by appointment tel. +39 3397534993

Press Release

The houses of the ancients were always built based on the position of the sun and the word temple hides in its etymology the wise idea of choosing a portion of the sky to be "cut" and projected on the earth so that the high and low, the spirit and matter may merge into one single harmony.  This has a profound meaning and tells us that living in a space does not only signify occupying it, but establishing both a physical and psychological relationship with the environment and investigating the many possibilities that such a relationship implies. 
Looking  at the plan of an ancient house is proof enough: its like being  confronted with a maze constructed not to deceive those who walk through it but as an invitations to walk along its inside so as to discover the many unexpected wonders it has to offer.
That this labyrinthine space can be a metaphor of life, is revealed by the photographs  of Elettra Ranno. Protagonist herself in a dreamlike journey of great beauty, the photographer splits into both the  observer and  the beguiling guide,  accompanying  us on a path that winds among surprises capturing, as it unfolds,  a narrative rhythm loaded with poetic cross references. We must be able to look at every detail with new eyes, because a simple window can be opened on a figurative heaven or closed letting blades of light seep through cracks and transmit tenacious vitality to a body beautifully emerging from the darkness. The light touch of a hand is enough for a wall to come to life, for a  light to invade the space of liquid colours in an alternation of acid to intense red tones, where darkness is crossed by rippling blue serpentines and the most changeable of colours, purple, is allowed to show its many contrasting shades.
In this suspended dimension, the translucent beauty of the body quickly moves restlessly through the spaces marked by the triptychs, interweaving and dancing with light shadows, finally stopping for a moment. On the multiplied face like the many personalities living in one, there appears a fixed look that does not  challenge, but  reveals its melancholy background.  But it's only a moment, soon this figure again walks  between the walls of an ancient space, plays hide and seek with the furniture and frescoes, moves very subtly on a floor that looks like a checkerboard and then finally takes a look outside a  window as if to be certain that there is still a world out there where the light comes from.

Roberto Mutti   

printable version


Born in Acireale (CT) Sicily in 1971. Lives and works between Rome and Athens. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, she  attended the  annual course at the School of Visual Communication IED in Rome. Her photographs are single images taken in reversible film and are still hand printed in  "Cibachrome". Her photographic survey, without any  digital intervention, is carried through a deep existential and thorough investigation which shows an unusual and authentic sensitivity.
In 2005 she wins the 1st price at the “FotoLeggendo” photo festival in Rome and has participated in many solo and collective exhibitions both in Italy and overseas. “FotoLeggendo” is "twinned" with the Festival Les Boutographies - Rencontres photographiques de Montpellier, France. 
Her last solo exhibition was  in 2008 at the “Manifesta7” the European Contemporary Art Biennale  in Merano, Italy with “Diario Onirico in Metamorfosi” and in 2009 she was one of the artists selected to take part in the “Spinola Contemporanea: The contemporary artist interprets the historical palace ", edited by Farida Simonetti and Gianluca Zanelli,  Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola , Genoa, Italy.